RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit (50) 货号:74624

RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit (50) 货号:74624

RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit (50)

货  号:74624


原  产  地:德国

参考价格:4680 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit (50)



  • 立即稳定分选或培养细胞的RNA
  • 无需去除培养液即可稳定细胞
  • 无需干冰即可保存或运输细胞
  • 可在–20ºC或–80ºC下长期保存细胞
  • 只需数分钟,即可得到高品质RNA

RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit中含有RNAprotect Cell Reagent,可稳定分选细胞或培养细胞中的RNA和DNA,细胞可在室温下便利的运输。稳定的细胞可在30°C(1天)、15–25°C(7天) 或 2–8°C(四周)储存或运输。RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit提供RNeasy Plus Mini Kit,可用于纯化总RNA。裂解稳定的细胞后,使用gDNA去除柱高效去除基因组DNA。之后使用RNeasy离心柱纯化高品质RNA。纯化过程可在 QIAcube全自动核酸纯化仪上实现自动化。


RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit提供RNA保护和分离的完整解决方案,在一个试剂盒中完成从样本收集到RNA纯化的整个过程。经验证的RNeasy硅胶膜技术与具有RNA稳定特性 的RNAprotect Cell Reagent相结合,可纯化得到高品质、完整的RNA。分选或培养的细胞与RNAprotect Cell Reagent混合,可立即稳定细胞内的RNA,确保下游的基因表达分析结果可靠。RNAprotect Cell Reagent可直接加入到细胞培养基或缓冲液中,不需洗涤或处理细胞(如胰酶处理)。或者,RNAprotect Cell Reagent可加入到细胞沉淀中。样本经稳定后,RNeasy技术整合了异硫氰酸胍的严谨性与硅胶膜纯化的速度及纯度,简化了总RNA的分离过程。

分选或培养细胞与RNAprotect Cell Reagent混合可立即稳定细胞中的RNA。RNA稳定后,使用RNeasy Plus Mini Kit纯化总RNA(参见RNeasy Protect Cell procedure)。 离心RNAprotect Cell Reagent中的细胞,在Buffer RLT Plus中裂解并匀浆细胞沉淀。将裂解液通过gDNA去除柱,快速、高效去除基因组DNA。在裂解液中加入乙醇,然后使其通过RNeasy离心柱。离心 后,总RNA结合在RNeasy离心柱膜上。污染物被高效洗去,在30–50 µl 不含RNase的纯水中洗脱得到高品质总RNA。纯化DNA或RNA及DNA需要另外购买QIAGEN DNA纯化试剂盒。更多细节可参考RNAprotect Cell Reagent Handbook。


RNAprotect Cell Reagent中保存的细胞可在室温下运输,无需在液氮中冷冻细胞沉淀,也无需干冰运输冷冻的细胞沉淀。RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit纯化得到的RNA非常适用于对低量DNA污染敏感的下游应用,如:定量real-time RT-PCR。


RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit (50)



  • 立即稳定分选或培养细胞的RNA
  • 无需去除培养液即可稳定细胞
  • 无需干冰即可保存或运输细胞
  • 可在–20ºC或–80ºC下长期保存细胞
  • 只需数分钟,即可得到高品质RNA

RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit中含有RNAprotect Cell Reagent,可稳定分选细胞或培养细胞中的RNA和DNA,细胞可在室温下便利的运输。稳定的细胞可在30°C(1天)、15–25°C(7天) 或 2–8°C(四周)储存或运输。RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit提供RNeasy Plus Mini Kit,可用于纯化总RNA。裂解稳定的细胞后,使用gDNA去除柱高效去除基因组DNA。之后使用RNeasy离心柱纯化高品质RNA。纯化过程可在 QIAcube全自动核酸纯化仪上实现自动化。


RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit提供RNA保护和分离的完整解决方案,在一个试剂盒中完成从样本收集到RNA纯化的整个过程。经验证的RNeasy硅胶膜技术与具有RNA稳定特性 的RNAprotect Cell Reagent相结合,可纯化得到高品质、完整的RNA。分选或培养的细胞与RNAprotect Cell Reagent混合,可立即稳定细胞内的RNA,确保下游的基因表达分析结果可靠。RNAprotect Cell Reagent可直接加入到细胞培养基或缓冲液中,不需洗涤或处理细胞(如胰酶处理)。或者,RNAprotect Cell Reagent可加入到细胞沉淀中。样本经稳定后,RNeasy技术整合了异硫氰酸胍的严谨性与硅胶膜纯化的速度及纯度,简化了总RNA的分离过程。

分选或培养细胞与RNAprotect Cell Reagent混合可立即稳定细胞中的RNA。RNA稳定后,使用RNeasy Plus Mini Kit纯化总RNA(参见RNeasy Protect Cell procedure)。 离心RNAprotect Cell Reagent中的细胞,在Buffer RLT Plus中裂解并匀浆细胞沉淀。将裂解液通过gDNA去除柱,快速、高效去除基因组DNA。在裂解液中加入乙醇,然后使其通过RNeasy离心柱。离心 后,总RNA结合在RNeasy离心柱膜上。污染物被高效洗去,在30–50 µl 不含RNase的纯水中洗脱得到高品质总RNA。纯化DNA或RNA及DNA需要另外购买QIAGEN DNA纯化试剂盒。更多细节可参考RNAprotect Cell Reagent Handbook。


RNAprotect Cell Reagent中保存的细胞可在室温下运输,无需在液氮中冷冻细胞沉淀,也无需干冰运输冷冻的细胞沉淀。RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit纯化得到的RNA非常适用于对低量DNA污染敏感的下游应用,如:定量real-time RT-PCR。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit 货号:13323

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit 货号:13323

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit

货  号:13323


原  产  地:德国

参考价格:3180 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit


从血液和培养细胞中纯化多至25 µg高分子量DNA

    可靠纯化150 kb的DNA

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit提供重力流阴离子交换柱和缓冲液,从多种生物样本中高效纯化基因组DNA。纯化得到的DNA片段可达150 kb,片段平均长度为50–100 kb。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit中的QIAGEN Genomic-tip利用QIAGEN独有的阴离子交换技术,从多种生物样本中纯化高分子量DNA,而无需苯酚或氯仿抽提。裂解缓冲液针对不同类型样本 进行优化,使得核酸酶、组蛋白、DNA结合蛋白等蛋白质以及潜在的传染性病毒等快速变性。在该缓冲液的pH值以及低盐环境中,DNA与QIAGEN交换柱 上的树脂结合,蛋白质、碳水化合物、代谢物等细胞组分则随流出液流出。在高盐的洗脱液中可获得纯化的DNA。Genomic-tip基于重力流技术,无需 专人照看。该操作最大程度上节约了手动操作时间,是对多样本进行同时处理的理想选择。

首先裂解样本(组织样本需要机械破碎),蛋白质在适宜的裂解缓冲液中变性(参见QIAGEN Genomic-tip procedure)。 然后加入QIAGEN Protease或蛋白酶K,温育后,将裂解产物上样到QIAGEN Genomic-tip。DNA吸附到交换柱上,其他细胞组分随流出液流出。随后进行洗涤,将残留的污染物洗去。最后洗脱得到纯化的高分子量DNA,在异 丙醇中沉淀。针对血液和培养细胞的完整流程中手动操作仅需30分钟。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit是即用型试剂盒,含有从全血和培养细胞中纯化高分子量DNA所需的全部组分。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit纯化得到的DNA非常适用于以下应用:


产品详细信息 Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit


从血液和培养细胞中纯化多至25 µg高分子量DNA

    可靠纯化150 kb的DNA

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit提供重力流阴离子交换柱和缓冲液,从多种生物样本中高效纯化基因组DNA。纯化得到的DNA片段可达150 kb,片段平均长度为50–100 kb。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit中的QIAGEN Genomic-tip利用QIAGEN独有的阴离子交换技术,从多种生物样本中纯化高分子量DNA,而无需苯酚或氯仿抽提。裂解缓冲液针对不同类型样本 进行优化,使得核酸酶、组蛋白、DNA结合蛋白等蛋白质以及潜在的传染性病毒等快速变性。在该缓冲液的pH值以及低盐环境中,DNA与QIAGEN交换柱 上的树脂结合,蛋白质、碳水化合物、代谢物等细胞组分则随流出液流出。在高盐的洗脱液中可获得纯化的DNA。Genomic-tip基于重力流技术,无需 专人照看。该操作最大程度上节约了手动操作时间,是对多样本进行同时处理的理想选择。

首先裂解样本(组织样本需要机械破碎),蛋白质在适宜的裂解缓冲液中变性(参见QIAGEN Genomic-tip procedure)。 然后加入QIAGEN Protease或蛋白酶K,温育后,将裂解产物上样到QIAGEN Genomic-tip。DNA吸附到交换柱上,其他细胞组分随流出液流出。随后进行洗涤,将残留的污染物洗去。最后洗脱得到纯化的高分子量DNA,在异 丙醇中沉淀。针对血液和培养细胞的完整流程中手动操作仅需30分钟。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit是即用型试剂盒,含有从全血和培养细胞中纯化高分子量DNA所需的全部组分。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Mini Kit纯化得到的DNA非常适用于以下应用:


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit 货号:13343

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit 货号:13343

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit

货  号:13343


原  产  地:德国

参考价格:5060 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit


从血液和培养细胞中纯化100 µg高分子量DNA

  • 可靠纯化150 kb的DNA
  • 无需苯酚或氯仿抽提
  • 方便同时处理多个样本

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit提供重力流阴离子交换柱和缓冲液,从多种生物样本中高效纯化基因组DNA。纯化得到的DNA可长达150 kb,片段平均长度为50–100 kb。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits中的QIAGEN Genomic-tip利用QIAGEN独有的阴离子交换技术,从多种生物样本中纯化高分子量DNA,而无需苯酚或氯仿抽提。裂解缓冲液针对不同类型样本 进行优化,使得核酸酶、组蛋白、DNA结合蛋白等蛋白质以及潜在的传染性病毒等快速变性。在该缓冲液的pH值以及低盐环境中,DNA与QIAGEN交换柱 上的树脂结合,蛋白质、碳水化合物、代谢物等细胞组分则随流出液流出。在高盐的洗脱液中可获得纯化的DNA。Genomic-tip基于重力流技术,无需 专人照看。该操作最大程度上节约了手动操作时间,是对多样本进行同时处理的理想选择。


首先裂解样本(组织样本需要机械破碎),蛋白质在适宜的裂解缓冲液中变性(参见QIAGEN Genomic-tip procedure)。 然后加入QIAGEN Protease或蛋白酶K,温育后,将裂解产物上样到QIAGEN Genomic-tip。DNA吸附到交换柱上,其他细胞组分随流出液流出。随后进行洗涤,将残留的污染物洗去。最后洗脱得到纯化的高分子量DNA,在异 丙醇中沉淀。针对血液和培养细胞的完整流程中手动操作仅需30分钟。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits是即用型试剂盒,含有从全血和培养细胞中纯化高分子量DNA所需的全部组分。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit纯化得到的DNA非常适用于以下应用:

  • Sanger测序和二代测序
  • RFLP分析
  • 靶基因分析
  • 转基因动物的筛查
  • DNA图谱研究
  • PCR扩增


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit


从血液和培养细胞中纯化100 µg高分子量DNA

  • 可靠纯化150 kb的DNA
  • 无需苯酚或氯仿抽提
  • 方便同时处理多个样本

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit提供重力流阴离子交换柱和缓冲液,从多种生物样本中高效纯化基因组DNA。纯化得到的DNA可长达150 kb,片段平均长度为50–100 kb。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits中的QIAGEN Genomic-tip利用QIAGEN独有的阴离子交换技术,从多种生物样本中纯化高分子量DNA,而无需苯酚或氯仿抽提。裂解缓冲液针对不同类型样本 进行优化,使得核酸酶、组蛋白、DNA结合蛋白等蛋白质以及潜在的传染性病毒等快速变性。在该缓冲液的pH值以及低盐环境中,DNA与QIAGEN交换柱 上的树脂结合,蛋白质、碳水化合物、代谢物等细胞组分则随流出液流出。在高盐的洗脱液中可获得纯化的DNA。Genomic-tip基于重力流技术,无需 专人照看。该操作最大程度上节约了手动操作时间,是对多样本进行同时处理的理想选择。


首先裂解样本(组织样本需要机械破碎),蛋白质在适宜的裂解缓冲液中变性(参见QIAGEN Genomic-tip procedure)。 然后加入QIAGEN Protease或蛋白酶K,温育后,将裂解产物上样到QIAGEN Genomic-tip。DNA吸附到交换柱上,其他细胞组分随流出液流出。随后进行洗涤,将残留的污染物洗去。最后洗脱得到纯化的高分子量DNA,在异 丙醇中沉淀。针对血液和培养细胞的完整流程中手动操作仅需30分钟。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits是即用型试剂盒,含有从全血和培养细胞中纯化高分子量DNA所需的全部组分。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Midi Kit纯化得到的DNA非常适用于以下应用:

  • Sanger测序和二代测序
  • RFLP分析
  • 靶基因分析
  • 转基因动物的筛查
  • DNA图谱研究
  • PCR扩增

细胞增殖检测试剂盒CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit 货号:423801

细胞增殖检测试剂盒CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit 货号:423801

细胞增殖检测试剂盒CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit

货  号:423801

产品规格:1 kit (500 ug CFSE, 500 ul DMSO)

原  产  地:biolegend

参考价格:1470 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



细胞增殖检测试剂盒CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit   423801  1 kit (500 ug CFSE, 500 ul DMSO)

Preparation:     The CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit is composed of lyophilized CFSE and anhydrous DMSO. For reconstitution, bring the kit to room temperature; add 36 µl of DMSO to one vial of CFSE dye until fully dissolved.
Storage & Handling:     Store CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit at -20°C upon receipt. Do not open vials until needed. Once the DMSO is added to the CFSE, use immediately, or store at -20°C in a dry place and protected from light, preferably in a dessicator or in a container with desiccant for no more than one month. The unopened kit is guaranteed for six months.
      This product has a shelf-life of 12 months or less. Please use our Expiration Lookup Tool to verify the expiration date of your lot of product.

ICFC – Quality tested
In vivo cell tracking1 – Reported in the literature
Recommended Usage:     

This lot has been tested by flow cytometric analysis of in vitro cell proliferation assay. It can be used at concentrations ranging from 0.5 – 10 µM for cell labeling. It is recommended that the reagent be titrated for optimal performance for each cell type, culturing condition, or application.

The molecular weight of CFSE is 557.47. The excitation and emission wavelengths of CFSE-labeled cells are 492 nm and 517 nm, respectively. Each 100 µg vial of CFSE may be reconstituted with 36 µl of anhydrous DMSO to yield a stock concentration of 5 mM.

Materials Provided:
5 vials x 100 µg CFSE
500 µl anhydrous DMSO

CFSE Labeling Procedure:
1. Prepare a single-cell suspension using desired cells.
2. Resuspend the single-cell suspension at 10-100×106/ml of PBS (pre-warmed to room temperature).
3. Add an equal volume of 2X working solution of CFSE to the desired final concentration (e.g., for a final concentration of 5 µM, prepare a 2X working solution by adding 2 µl of a 5 mM stock in 1.0 ml PBS).
4. Immediately mix and incubate in the dark for 10 minutes at 37°C.
5. To quench the staining add 44 ml of ice cold complete RPMI1640 media (containing 10% FCS).
6. Pellet the cells by centrifugation.
7. Wash once with fresh complete media.
8. At this point, CFSE labeled cells are ready for in vitro assay set up or adoptive transfer experiment.

1. Parish CR, et al. 2009. Curr. Protoc. Immunol. Unit4.9.
2. Miller MJ, et al. 2002. Science 296:1869.
3. Tai LH, 2013. Clin Cancer Res. 19:5104. PubMed
4. Svajger U, et al. 2014. J Lukoc Biol. 95:33. PubMed

细胞增殖检测 细胞增殖检测 细胞增殖检测 细胞增殖检测
细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基DNA DNA的含量或者细胞代谢参数 的含量或者细胞代谢参数 的含量或者细胞代谢参数 的含量或者细胞代谢参数 。 CFSECFSECFSECFSE方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, 方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, 方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, 方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, Brdu Brdu 方法是一种基于 方法是一种基于 Brdu Brdu 能够嵌入到新合成的 能够嵌入到新合成的 能够嵌入到新合成的 DNA DNA检测细胞 增殖的方法。 增殖的方法。
货号    产品名称           规格            促销价

422701 CFSE 500 ug 1095
CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit   1 kit  1470

423401 Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) 25 mg 823
339808   APC anti-BrdU   100 tests     2853

339811/339812 PE anti-BrdU 25 tests/100 tests 1283/2788
317902   Purified anti-BrdU    100 ug           1250


细胞增殖检测试剂盒CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit   423801  1 kit (500 ug CFSE, 500 ul DMSO)

Preparation:     The CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit is composed of lyophilized CFSE and anhydrous DMSO. For reconstitution, bring the kit to room temperature; add 36 µl of DMSO to one vial of CFSE dye until fully dissolved.
Storage & Handling:     Store CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit at -20°C upon receipt. Do not open vials until needed. Once the DMSO is added to the CFSE, use immediately, or store at -20°C in a dry place and protected from light, preferably in a dessicator or in a container with desiccant for no more than one month. The unopened kit is guaranteed for six months.
      This product has a shelf-life of 12 months or less. Please use our Expiration Lookup Tool to verify the expiration date of your lot of product.

ICFC – Quality tested
In vivo cell tracking1 – Reported in the literature
Recommended Usage:     

This lot has been tested by flow cytometric analysis of in vitro cell proliferation assay. It can be used at concentrations ranging from 0.5 – 10 µM for cell labeling. It is recommended that the reagent be titrated for optimal performance for each cell type, culturing condition, or application.

The molecular weight of CFSE is 557.47. The excitation and emission wavelengths of CFSE-labeled cells are 492 nm and 517 nm, respectively. Each 100 µg vial of CFSE may be reconstituted with 36 µl of anhydrous DMSO to yield a stock concentration of 5 mM.

Materials Provided:
5 vials x 100 µg CFSE
500 µl anhydrous DMSO

CFSE Labeling Procedure:
1. Prepare a single-cell suspension using desired cells.
2. Resuspend the single-cell suspension at 10-100×106/ml of PBS (pre-warmed to room temperature).
3. Add an equal volume of 2X working solution of CFSE to the desired final concentration (e.g., for a final concentration of 5 µM, prepare a 2X working solution by adding 2 µl of a 5 mM stock in 1.0 ml PBS).
4. Immediately mix and incubate in the dark for 10 minutes at 37°C.
5. To quench the staining add 44 ml of ice cold complete RPMI1640 media (containing 10% FCS).
6. Pellet the cells by centrifugation.
7. Wash once with fresh complete media.
8. At this point, CFSE labeled cells are ready for in vitro assay set up or adoptive transfer experiment.

1. Parish CR, et al. 2009. Curr. Protoc. Immunol. Unit4.9.
2. Miller MJ, et al. 2002. Science 296:1869.
3. Tai LH, 2013. Clin Cancer Res. 19:5104. PubMed
4. Svajger U, et al. 2014. J Lukoc Biol. 95:33. PubMed

细胞增殖检测 细胞增殖检测 细胞增殖检测 细胞增殖检测
细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基细胞增殖分析对于 研究的生长和化非常重要,检测通基DNA DNA的含量或者细胞代谢参数 的含量或者细胞代谢参数 的含量或者细胞代谢参数 的含量或者细胞代谢参数 。 CFSECFSECFSECFSE方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, 方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, 方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, 方法是一种通过染料稀释检测细胞增殖的, Brdu Brdu 方法是一种基于 方法是一种基于 Brdu Brdu 能够嵌入到新合成的 能够嵌入到新合成的 能够嵌入到新合成的 DNA DNA检测细胞 增殖的方法。 增殖的方法。
货号    产品名称           规格            促销价

422701 CFSE 500 ug 1095
CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit   1 kit  1470

423401 Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) 25 mg 823
339808   APC anti-BrdU   100 tests     2853

339811/339812 PE anti-BrdU 25 tests/100 tests 1283/2788
317902   Purified anti-BrdU    100 ug           1250

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit 货号:13362

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit 货号:13362

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit

货  号:13362


原  产  地:德国

参考价格:4750 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit


从血液和培养细胞中纯化500 µg的高分子量DNA

  • 可靠纯化150 kb的DNA
  • 无需苯酚或氯仿抽提
  • 方便同时处理多个样本

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit提供重力流阴离子交换柱和缓冲液,从多种生物样本中高效纯化基因组DNA 。纯化得到的DNA片段长达150 kb,片段平均长度为50–100 kb。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit中的QIAGEN Genomic-tip利用QIAGEN独有的阴离子交换技术,从多种生物样本中纯化高分子量DNA,而无需苯酚或氯仿抽提。裂解缓冲液针对不同类型样本 进行优化,使得核酸酶、组蛋白和DNA结合蛋白等蛋白质以及潜在的传染性病毒等快速变性。在该缓冲液的pH值以及低盐环境中,DNA与QIAGEN交换柱 上的树脂结合,蛋白质、碳水化合物和代谢物等细胞组分会随流出液流出。在高盐的洗脱液中可获得纯化的DNA。Genomic-tip基于重力流技术,无需 专人照看。该操作最大程度节约了手动操作时间,是对多个样本进行同时处理的理想选择。


首先裂解样本(组织样本需要机械破碎),蛋白质在适宜的裂解缓冲液中变性(参见QIAGEN Genomic-tip procedure)。 然后加入QIAGEN Protease或蛋白酶K,温育后,将裂解产物上样到QIAGEN Genomic-tip。DNA吸附到交换柱上,其他细胞组分随流出液流出。随后进行洗涤,将残留的污染物洗去。最后洗脱得到纯化的高分子量DNA,在异 丙醇中沉淀。针对血液和培养细胞的完整流程中手动操作仅需30分钟。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits是即用型试剂盒,含有从全血和培养细胞中纯化高分子量DNA所需的全部组分。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit纯化得到的DNA非常适用于以下应用:

  • Sanger测序和二代测序
  • RFLP分析
  • 靶基因分析
  • 转基因动物的筛查
  • DNA图谱研究
  • PCR扩增


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit


从血液和培养细胞中纯化500 µg的高分子量DNA

  • 可靠纯化150 kb的DNA
  • 无需苯酚或氯仿抽提
  • 方便同时处理多个样本

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit提供重力流阴离子交换柱和缓冲液,从多种生物样本中高效纯化基因组DNA 。纯化得到的DNA片段长达150 kb,片段平均长度为50–100 kb。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kit中的QIAGEN Genomic-tip利用QIAGEN独有的阴离子交换技术,从多种生物样本中纯化高分子量DNA,而无需苯酚或氯仿抽提。裂解缓冲液针对不同类型样本 进行优化,使得核酸酶、组蛋白和DNA结合蛋白等蛋白质以及潜在的传染性病毒等快速变性。在该缓冲液的pH值以及低盐环境中,DNA与QIAGEN交换柱 上的树脂结合,蛋白质、碳水化合物和代谢物等细胞组分会随流出液流出。在高盐的洗脱液中可获得纯化的DNA。Genomic-tip基于重力流技术,无需 专人照看。该操作最大程度节约了手动操作时间,是对多个样本进行同时处理的理想选择。


首先裂解样本(组织样本需要机械破碎),蛋白质在适宜的裂解缓冲液中变性(参见QIAGEN Genomic-tip procedure)。 然后加入QIAGEN Protease或蛋白酶K,温育后,将裂解产物上样到QIAGEN Genomic-tip。DNA吸附到交换柱上,其他细胞组分随流出液流出。随后进行洗涤,将残留的污染物洗去。最后洗脱得到纯化的高分子量DNA,在异 丙醇中沉淀。针对血液和培养细胞的完整流程中手动操作仅需30分钟。

Blood & Cell Culture DNA Kits是即用型试剂盒,含有从全血和培养细胞中纯化高分子量DNA所需的全部组分。


Blood & Cell Culture DNA Maxi Kit纯化得到的DNA非常适用于以下应用:

  • Sanger测序和二代测序
  • RFLP分析
  • 靶基因分析
  • 转基因动物的筛查
  • DNA图谱研究
  • PCR扩增

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) 货号:00-4970-93

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) 货号:00-4970-93

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X)

货  号:00-4970-93


原  产  地:USA

参考价格:948 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X)



The Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) is a cocktail of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. Treatment with PMA and ionomycin is sufficient  to induce activation of many cell types to produce cytokines. Thiscocktail can be used to induce cytokine production in in vitro cell culture for subsequent detection in immunoassays. It can also be used in conjunction with the Protein

Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500X) (cat. 00-4980) for intracellular retention of the induced cytokine expression.


Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X)



The Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) is a cocktail of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. Treatment with PMA and ionomycin is sufficient  to induce activation of many cell types to produce cytokines. Thiscocktail can be used to induce cytokine production in in vitro cell culture for subsequent detection in immunoassays. It can also be used in conjunction with the Protein

Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500X) (cat. 00-4980) for intracellular retention of the induced cytokine expression.

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X) 货号:00-4975-03

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X) 货号:00-4975-03

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X)

货  号:00-4975-03


原  产  地:USA

参考价格:3588. (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X)



The Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X) is a cocktail of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), ionomycin,brefeldin A and monensin. Treatment with PMA and ionomycin is sufficient to induce activation

of many cell types to produce cytokines. Brefeldin A and Monensinresult in the accumulation of secreted proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum andGolgi apparatus.
Thus, the Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors)(500X) can be used for induction and subsequent intracellular detection ofcytokines and other secreted proteins in both in vitro-cultured and ex vivo cells.
For an unstimulated and vehicle control, see the Protein Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500X) (cat. 00-4980).


Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X)



The Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors) (500X) is a cocktail of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), ionomycin,brefeldin A and monensin. Treatment with PMA and ionomycin is sufficient to induce activation

of many cell types to produce cytokines. Brefeldin A and Monensinresult in the accumulation of secreted proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum andGolgi apparatus.
Thus, the Cell Stimulation Cocktail (plus protein transport inhibitors)(500X) can be used for induction and subsequent intracellular detection ofcytokines and other secreted proteins in both in vitro-cultured and ex vivo cells.
For an unstimulated and vehicle control, see the Protein Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500X) (cat. 00-4980).

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) 货号:00-4970-03

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) 货号:00-4970-03

Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X)

货  号:00-4970-03

产品规格: 4*100ul

原  产  地:USA

参考价格:2748 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X)



The Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) is a cocktail of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. Treatment with PMA and ionomycin is sufficient to induce activation of many cell types to produce cytokines. Thiscocktail can be used to induce cytokine production in in vitro cell culture for subsequent detection in immunoassays. It can also be used in conjunction with the Protein Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500X) (cat. 00-4980) for intracellular retention of the induced cytokine expression.


Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X)



The Cell Stimulation Cocktail (500X) is a cocktail of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and ionomycin. Treatment with PMA and ionomycin is sufficient to induce activation of many cell types to produce cytokines. Thiscocktail can be used to induce cytokine production in in vitro cell culture for subsequent detection in immunoassays. It can also be used in conjunction with the Protein Transport Inhibitor Cocktail (500X) (cat. 00-4980) for intracellular retention of the induced cytokine expression.

Accumax – Cell Aggregate Dissociation Medium 货号:00-4666-56

Accumax - Cell Aggregate Dissociation Medium 货号:00-4666-56

Accumax – Cell Aggregate Dissociation Medium

货  号:00-4666-56


原  产  地:USA

参考价格:828 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



Accumax – Cell Aggregate Dissociation Medium



Accumax performs exceptionally well in dissociating cell clumps for  cell counting, viral transfection assays, cell sorting, and flow cytometry as well as bioreactor scale-up. Accumax has been shown effective in dissociating cell clumps in a variety of cell lines including hybridomas, CHO, BHK, 293, COS and Sf9 cells.

1. The use of AccumaxTM may effect the integrity of certain antigenic epitopes resulting in diminished antibody staining. This should be  determined experimentally for individual antibody clones.
2. Thaw Accumax at room temperature or 4C.


Accumax – Cell Aggregate Dissociation Medium



Accumax performs exceptionally well in dissociating cell clumps for  cell counting, viral transfection assays, cell sorting, and flow cytometry as well as bioreactor scale-up. Accumax has been shown effective in dissociating cell clumps in a variety of cell lines including hybridomas, CHO, BHK, 293, COS and Sf9 cells.

1. The use of AccumaxTM may effect the integrity of certain antigenic epitopes resulting in diminished antibody staining. This should be  determined experimentally for individual antibody clones.
2. Thaw Accumax at room temperature or 4C.

Accutase – Enzyme Cell Detachment Medium 货号:00-4555-56

Accutase - Enzyme Cell Detachment Medium 货号:00-4555-56

Accutase – Enzyme Cell Detachment Medium

货  号:00-4555-56


原  产  地:USA

参考价格:348 (参考价格,以实际价格为准)



 Accutase – Enzyme Cell Detachment Medium




Accutase performs exceptionally well in detaching cells for analysis of cell surface markers, virus growth assay, quiescence assays by serum

starvation, transformation assays by oncogene transfection, neural crest cell migration assays, cell proliferation, cell haptotaxsis, tumor cell
migration assays, routine cell passage, production scale-up (bioreactor), and flow cytometry. Accutase has been shown effective on: fibroblasts, keratinocytes, vascular endothelial cells, hepatocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, hepatocyte progenitors, primary chick embryo neuronal cells, bone marrow stem cells, adherent CHO and BHK cells, macrophages, 293 cells, L929 cells, immortalized mouse testicular germ cells, 3T3, Vero, COS, HeLa, NT2, MG63, M24 and A375 metastatic melanoma, gliomas U251 and D54, HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells, and Sf9 insect cells.


 Accutase – Enzyme Cell Detachment Medium




Accutase performs exceptionally well in detaching cells for analysis of cell surface markers, virus growth assay, quiescence assays by serum

starvation, transformation assays by oncogene transfection, neural crest cell migration assays, cell proliferation, cell haptotaxsis, tumor cell
migration assays, routine cell passage, production scale-up (bioreactor), and flow cytometry. Accutase has been shown effective on: fibroblasts, keratinocytes, vascular endothelial cells, hepatocytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, hepatocyte progenitors, primary chick embryo neuronal cells, bone marrow stem cells, adherent CHO and BHK cells, macrophages, 293 cells, L929 cells, immortalized mouse testicular germ cells, 3T3, Vero, COS, HeLa, NT2, MG63, M24 and A375 metastatic melanoma, gliomas U251 and D54, HT1080 fibrosarcoma cells, and Sf9 insect cells.